Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sustainability Is Not Only Environmental Problem Essay

Introduction Based on the statistical information, as the modern world is developing in high speed, it also indicates s a higher percentage of population living in the cities in the next decades (Yiftachel and Hedgcock 1993). In the modern society, human beings are now using the energy resource without limit. And the unsustainable development is now causing many problems like the decrease of forest areas and the climate change. Moreover, according to Martin, Maris and Simberloff (2016), sustainability is not only environmental problem, but it is also relative with social and economic issues in the modern cities. As a result, in order to provide a sustainable living environment for the future generations and ourselves, the urban sustainability should be considered significantly as important part of urban planning. In the past years, the question about how to achieve sustainable development has been discussed by planners and theorists all over the world. Actually a variety of approaches to assess t he sustainability of urban development have been raised (Hopwood, Mellor and O’Brien 2005). However, not all of those approaches are perfectly applicable. This paper starts with the summary of the components of sustainability considering neighbourhood scale, then moves on to analyse the past and current approaches to assess the sustainability of urban development, and propose an alternative framework for assessing the sustainability of proposed developments at the neighbourhoodShow MoreRelatedThe Term Sustainability in The Brundtland Report in 1987 Essay649 Words   |  3 Pagestraceable back to mankind’s unsustainable practices. Sustainability has often been deemed the only feasible approach to providing mankind with a worthwhile future. The term â€Å"sustainability† has gained considerable support since its publication in the Brundtland Report in 1987. 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