Friday, December 27, 2019

Non-Toxic Colored Smoke Bombs

You may have read that the YouTube colored smoke bomb video is believed to have been faked, with the video showing a military smoke bomb, masked with duct tape, rather than the smoke bomb made using the recipe. I think that probably is true, but it doesnt invalidate the recipe for the colored smoke bomb (though I have heard recommendations that you avoid adding baking soda -- Im looking into that). Colored smoke bombs arent new. The other recipes I have listed date back as far as 1936. A colored smoke bomb is a normal smoke bomb, with dispersed dye. The trick is to release the dye into the air, rather than simply burn it.I get a lot of questions about the safety of smoke bombs. Is it safe to use your cookware for food after making a smoke bomb? Is the smoke bomb non-toxic? Is the smoke from the smoke bomb non-toxic?The classic smoke bomb recipe is very safe. The ingredients are sugar and saltpeter. I think we can agree that sugar is non-toxic. If you read the MSDS for saltpeter (pota ssium nitrate), youll see eating it will cause you to throw up, and like other nitrates, it can be converted to nitrites, so its not good for kids to eat, but its not a poison. You shouldnt taste the smoke bomb, much less eat it, but if you do, its unlikely you would fall over dead (do call Poison Control). If you wash your cookware after making a smoke bomb, it will be safe for cooking. I should note: you can ruin your pan with this recipe. If youve made candy (badly), you know burnt sugar and pans dont go well together. Smoke particles arent great for your respiratory system. The smoke from the smoke bomb is no more or less safe than smoke from a campfire. Actually, the campfire smoke is worse, but it gives you a sort of safety benchmark.Moving on to the colored smoke bomb... I wouldnt eat the organic dye, nor would I intentionally breathe it. The MSDS of the particular dye you choose will give you details, and you should read the MSDS. Id make something like this in the lab, not my kitchen. The smoke is for show, not for inhalation. Its on par with the safety of most chemistry demonstrations. Its safe if you know what youre doing and use precautions, but not something the average person will want to make.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Freedom Writers, Newly Licensed High School - 1679 Words

In the movie â€Å"The Freedom Writers, newly licensed high school teacher Erin Gruwell is teaching a large group of students who are different in race and ethnicity and are participants and/or indirectly affected by gang violence in L.A. The name Freedom Writers is a name given to her students by which they were inspired by the Freedom Riders activists in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. The film is based on the true story of Woodrow Wilson High School in L.A. that has given up on students such as Erin Gruwell’s English students that they are perceived by the school as hopeless students with little chance of success in life or even graduation. But Erin, alone, inspires dozens of her students into changing their perceptions of education and inspires them to break out of falling into their respective stereotypes given to them. In the film, there are struggles that Erin goes through to try to educate these teenagers such as little support from her fellow colleagues, raci al stereotypes and discriminatory perceptions of her students by the staff members, hostility towards Erin from her students, racial barriers between her and her students while Erin is also having personal life problems with her marriage. But eventually, through preservation, patience, kindness, and understanding, Erin gradually makes breakthroughs with her children by giving her students journals to understand them better. Throughout the film, we learn about the background stories of the teenagers throughShow MoreRelatedFear Of The Blue Essay2396 Words   |  10 Pagesunarmed and killed by law enforcement. Each lived in different states, each lived different lives, and each had different dreams, but their lives were cut short by the discretion of a Police Officer. The First Amendment allots people to have the freedom of speech. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Blood Donation Srs free essay sample

The system will consist of CIS Alumni Home page with five selections. The first selection is to fill out a survey. The questions on the survey will be created by a designated faculty member. The survey will ask the Alum questions concerning their degree, job experience, how well their education prepared them for their job, and what can the CIS department do to improve itself. This information will be retained on the departmental server and an e-mail will be sent to the designated faculty member. The second selection is to the Entries section. There are two choices on this page. One choice is to add a new entry. A form is presented to the Alum to be filled in. Certain fields in the form will be required, and list boxes will be used where appropriate. A password typed twice will be required of all new entries. The second selection of the Entries page is to update an Alum entry. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood Donation Srs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A form will be presented allowing the Alum to enter their year of graduation and then to select themselves from a list. A password will be required before the information will be presented to the Alum to be updated. The third selection is to search or e-mail an Alum. A form will be presented requiring the requested Alum’s year of graduation. The requesting Alum will search a table to see if the requested Alum is in the database, and if so non-sensitive information will be returned. At this time the Alum can select to e-mail the Alumnus or search for another Alumnus. If the Alum chooses to e-mail the Alumnus a form will be presented for the message to be entered with the sending Alum’s name and e-mail. The message, with all necessary information will be forwarded to the requested Alum. The e-mail address of the requested Alum will not be seen by the sending Alum as a privacy measure. All pages will return the Alum to the CIS Alumni Home Page. 2. 3. 1. Use Case: Access Alumni Home Page [pic] Figure 2 Access Alumni Home Page Brief Description The Departmental Web Server is waiting on an Alum to connect. Initial step-by-step description For this use case to be initiated, the alum must be connected to the Internet and connected to the University Web Server. 1. The Alum connects to the University Web Server. 2. The Alum selects the Alum link on the CIS home page. 3. The University Web Server passes the Alum to the Alumni Home Page. Reference SRS Use Case: Alum Chooses Survey [pic] Figure 3 Alum Selects Survey Brief Description: The Alum chooses to fill out a survey. Initial step-by-step description: For this use case to be initiated the Alum must be connected to the Internet and on the CIS Alumni Home Page. 1. The Alum selects the â€Å"Fill out a survey† link. 2. The Departmental Server returns the survey form. 3. The Alum fills in the form. 4. The Alum clicks submit. 5. The Departmental Server retains information in the database designated faculty member will be notified. 6. The Departmental Server returns the Alum to the Alumni Home Page. Reference SRS   Use Case: Create New Entry [pic] Figure 4 Alum Selects Create a New Entry Brief Description: The Alum chooses to create a new entry on the Entries page. Initial step-by-step description. For this use case to be initiated the Alum must be connected to the Internet and on the CIS Entries page. 1. The Alum selects the â€Å"Add a New Alum† link. 2. The Departmental Server returns the â€Å"Add a New Alum Form. † 3. The Alum fills in the form. 4.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Issue Of Net Neutrality Essay Example For Students

The Issue Of Net Neutrality Essay On any given day in 2015, you would be hard-pressed to walk into a room at random in America without encountering a Smart Phone. There is hardly a library left that does not feature a quiet chorus of clicking keyboards from the laptops within. We are, in essence, permanently plugged in to the Great and Powerful Internet, and we rely on service providers (ISP’s) to provide us with this now-important resource. Lately, though, getting Internet is becoming less and less simple as folks debate the enforcement of Internet— or â€Å"net†Ã¢â‚¬â€ neutrality in the United States. There are a lot of inflated egos arguing back and forth on the subject, and the phrase â€Å"net neutrality† is becoming widely recognized amongst every day Internet users. We will write a custom essay on The Issue Of Net Neutrality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now But how many of these people actually get what is going on, here? What is net neutrality, and why are household net surfers and economists alike getting bent out of shape over it? Well, net neutrality is big deal because it affects everyone who uses the Internet. Think about that for a second. It turns out that net neutrality is a concept that ensures consistent and unbiased web access to consumers, a slightly higher WIFI bill, and a level playing field for economic growth. For starters: net neutrality is not synonymous with a â€Å"free Internet.† A free Internet is an entire beast of its own, with many subjective definitions. An especially important fact to note in relation to this is that net neutrality has little to nothing to do with Internet privacy. It does not affect who has access to browsing data and how they use it. Instead, it dictates that service providers must provide a resource (the Internet) at a certain rate regardless of how the consumer utilizes that resource. This system functions much the sam. .pense to consumers in unfair, and that people who want access to high-profile and/or bandwidth draining sites should pay more for those things. There are others who say that protection against Internet censorship is of paramount importance, or that giving small businesses a chance to thrive is worth a hike in individual cost. Regardless of what the personal opinion is, though, the important thing is that a person’s opinion is based on the facts that net neutrality does mean higher individual prices for consumers, protection against selectively slowed Internet access, and a fair shot at the big leagues of Internet business. Remaining properly informed and having the facts allows individuals on a personal and corporate level to act according to what they would like to see happen in this pivotal point in American Internet history as net neutrality hangs in the balance.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Practical Criticism of the Poem Futility by Wilfred Owen Essay Essay Example

Practical Criticism of the Poem Futility by Wilfred Owen Essay Paper The verse form begins with an order â€Å"move him into the sun† . The character seems to be despairing to travel person under the Sun. The 2nd line negotiations about the beginning of life when the beams of the Sun must hold touched the delicate organic structure of the individual as a babe. The undermentioned words â€Å"field unsown† refers to immatureness. uncomplete life or a half adult province. It acts as a metaphor on the rhythm of life. The character continues to talk about the regular behaviour of the individual. He seemed to hold been acquainted with the Sun and life every bit good â€Å"until this morning† The words act as symbols of contrasts. Whereas the forenoon and the Sun act as symbols of life. snow refers to decease and somberness. The last two lines of the first stanza refer to sun as an aged figure. It is important through the words â€Å"pld sun† . In the 2nd stanza. the persona negotiations about the strength of Sun. While the Sun on e time brought life to the cold waste Earth. it appears unacceptable to the character that the same Sun can non convey life in the lifeless immature soldier. The character directs the reader towards war and its effects. He tells the reader that the soldier is still warm. He feels helpless to see the wrecked province of a human being who bears no significance after his decease. He is sad at his status. The mention made to the Genesis and the creative activity of adult male from the clay can be seen in the 5th line of the 2nd stanza. He complains that was it for this twenty-four hours that the human being grew up holding been created by the Lord himself. The verse form is an epitaph sing its manner of building. A melancholy and acrimonious tone is being carried out. a individual. most likely a soldier is a immature chap lies in conflict field in a half dead status. The subjects such as the ferociousness of life and the pathetic effects of war can be observed through the lines. In a nu tshell the verse form appears an rational unfavorable judgment of war and its horrific effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Criticism of the Poem Futility by Wilfred Owen Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Criticism of the Poem Futility by Wilfred Owen Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Criticism of the Poem Futility by Wilfred Owen Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Camp Bow Wow Company Growth

Camp Bow Wow Company Growth 1. â€Å"How did Camp Bow Wow think Global and act local†Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Camp Bow Wow Company Growth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Camp Bow Wow has seen massive growth in ten years since initiating the first business in Denver. The thought of establishing a dog service business originated from the challenges that people undergo while caring for their pets. The trauma that pets experience in their closed kennels causes apprehension among owners.[1] Heidi Ganahl underwent similar experiences that informed her idea to offer dog owners opportunities to register their pets for day care services. Camp Bow Wow presently owns fifty million dollars stake in the American pet segment.[2] Within America, the firm controls two hundred franchises within forty states. The expansion of Heidi’s pet business has continued into Canada where it offers similar services.[3] The firm appreciates the impor tance of collaborations in escalating its business and encourages huge proportions of interested persons to adopt the business idea. This call has enabled people from diverse backgrounds to engage in pet care services by owning a franchise through the leadership of Camp Bow Wow.[4] 2. â€Å"How successful is this business after went on global, how many areas are covered right now and the achievement they got† Camp Bow Wow operations have taken place smoothly thus resulting into massive growth. The firm offers pet services and currently operates approximately two hundred franchises in America. Its international marketplace presence is currently in Canada where it operates a single franchise. Notably, further growth appears imminent through the implementation of aforementioned recommendations. The firm differentiated its services consequently initiating new processes basing on home behavior buddies. Furthermore, the growth of these new services also attracts additional clients thus escalating the firm’s client base. Camp Bow Wow plans to create additional five hundred franchises within four years.[5] Future growth also entails initiating branches in the international marketplace beginning with Australia and United Kingdom.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Notably, Heidi’s pet service that began as a small business has grown to reach massive levels thus offering products in the local and global marketplace.[6] This development confirms that through local acts the business will eventually serve global clients. 3. â€Å"How big is the global market and what is their plan for global market†? â€Å"Basically connect with the second question and look up for the future plan† The company enjoys impressive growth as noted in the previous decade. Furthermore, the company ought to escalate its speed in order to create ma ssive revenues and clients base.[7] In order to attain further growth, Camp Bow Wow has the following plans It focuses on enhancing product differentiation by initiating additional activities including the provision of rearing pets of superior traits for mating purposes. This will allow pet owners who desire certain traits of pets to deliver their dogs to Camp Bow Wow for mating thus acquiring such qualities. Camp Bow Wow plans to implement a new business into international marketplace. This should occur through initiating collaborations with interested persons.[8] Furthermore, it can augment international market leadership by creating subsidiaries with local businesses. Camp Bow Wow plans to improve its organizational communication. This will escalate its marketplace presence by delivering appropriate information to the targeted audience. Camp Bow Wow plans to avoid recruiting friends into key business roles.[9] This will potentially cause interest conflicts, finance losses, and d isregard to the company. The firm plans to recruit persons after investigating their backgrounds basing on qualities and skills at handling company players. This potentially stimulates business growth to greater echelons. Bibliography Camp Bow Wow. â€Å"About Us.† Camp Bow Wow Website. . Kahn, Jocelyn. A Decade of Successful Business for Nations Largest Pet Services Company. Camp Bow Wow Website. . Sue, Browny. Entrepreneur Interview: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow. In the Business Information Guide, ganahl-camp-bow-wow/ . Footnotes Browny, Sue. Entrepreneur Interview: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow. In the Business Information Guide,( . Browny, Sue. Entrepreneur Interview: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow. In the Business Information Guide,( ntrepreneur-interview-heidi-ganahl-camp-bow-wow/ . Camp Bow Wow. â€Å"About Us.† Camp Bow Wow Website. ( . Camp Bow Wow. â€Å"About Us.† Camp Bow Wow Website. ( . Kahn, Jocelyn. A Decade of Successful Business for Nations Largest Pet Services Company. In the  Camp Bow Wow Website. . Camp Bow Wow. â€Å"About Us.† Camp Bow Wow Website. ( . Kahn, Jocelyn. A Decade of Successful Business for Nations Largest Pet Services Company. In the  Camp Bow Wow Website. . Browny, Sue. Entrepreneur Interview: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow. In the Business Information Guide ( . Browny, Sue. Entrepreneur Interview: Heidi Ganahl, Camp Bow Wow. In the Business Information Guide,(http://businessinfoguide.c om/entrepreneur-interview-heidi-ganahl-camp-bow-wow/ .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Propaganda and British Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Propaganda and British Cinema - Essay Example It mostly applies to the human sense of sight. British film descended from French Lumiere brothers in 1892 and their first show was in 1896.The first moving picture was in 1889.The founder and the leader of documentary movement was John Grierson.He had the believe that film and documentary film could make a significant impact in the society by providing an effective medium between the state and the public. The government used the authors and actors of films to execute its propaganda agenda. J and Church -Gibson (1995) During Second World War, Movies were mainly used to promote the popular image of the nation and emphasize on patriotism. These films were about people affected by the war and the effect of war in the society. The Second World War pushed the issue related with censorship to the periphery and this led to direct intervention of the government. The movies at this period combined propaganda on behalf of war effort with dramatic action, romance and other features of entertainment movies. Adler, A. Jay (2004) In the mid nineteen hundred and twenties British cinema was loosing to the Hollywood. There was also war propaganda which was depicted by these movies. Propaganda is highly practical since it is both hidden and clear. Propaganda can be good or can be bad, democratic or totalitarian. Aldgate Anthony (1994) The cinema emerged as one of mass entertainment which had great acceptance among the population. Movies developed from a less developed entity to an important mean of communication, entertainment and mass production. Motion pictures films have significantly contributed in art, politics and technology in twentieth century. J and Church Gibson (1995) The production of the cinema was cheap and quick and the aim was to achieve the quota of twenty percent of screen space in Britain to be reserved to English film production. The first English sound tape was produced in 1929 by Hitchcock .Hitchcock was an artist who has experienced great Germany expressionism. He designed each stage including the minute detail which enhanced forcing of the intensity on the screen. The details included the scenery, music, soundtrack, actors and other obligatory. It so gracefully united horrifying, absurd and the idealistic features in such pictures. In 1940 he was awarded an Oscar award as the best picture of the year in the movie "Rebecca." Aldgate Anthony (1994) The cinema has socially and sensitively reflected many major events which are global historical changes that occurred in the 20th century. These changes include noteworthy events that included fall of empires which led to change in direction of historical and cultural development at the end of 19th century. This proves that the development of a society in connection with art rises develops and falls. J and Church -Gibson (1995) The histories of the twentieth century led to the change in attitude of the people and nations which led to the development of the influential art of cinema. Cinema was the most dynamical art since it embodied the development of Grand National awareness in the state. There is a connection of a propaganda literature of the Great Britain and its reflection in the cinema. Adler, A. Jay (2004) The imperialism theme researches of English cinema starts during the fall of the empires and beginning of the struggling of the public of developing countries. It is in 1960s that a margin of great importance is formed in